Sunday, January 27, 2008

artis melayu kite


Malysian Casanova

Child sex scandal

Malaysia Minister of Health & Sex

DVD Seks - Chua Soi Lek perli orang Islam

Awek Kantoi

Bini Kantoi Lagi

Dua Alam

Hiburan kaum Arab

maksiat lagi..

gadis iran isap candu beramai ramai

Maksiat terbuka

Selamat Jalan Pak Harto..

Former Indonesian ruler Suharto dies - 27 Jan 08

Belasungkawa dr. SBY untuk Pak Harto

Friday, January 25, 2008

People in Miri among first in country to enjoy super wi-fi services

MIRI: The introduction of a pilot broadband project in Miri has users grinning from ear-to-ear. Miri is among the first places in the country to enjoy superior coverage from hotzones rather than hotspots.

The area of coverage is no longer confined to buildings or a hotel’s foyer, meaning that the public can now lug their laptop to any place covered and tap away. It’s a vast improvement for those tired of seeking out hotspots.

Everyone was dumbstruck when Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud made the announcement on Feb 10 this year at the PBB Convention in Miri, officiated by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Taib revealed that Sarawak would in two years’ time achieve 50 percent Internet penetration with a new wi-fi broadband technology that would start in Miri and spread to the rest of the State.

This wave of technological development has picked up momentum to encompass educational institutions from Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak campus next to Desa Senadin to SK Bakam, Permyjaya, Senadin and Piasau. Most of the old town area would be enjoying this super wi-fi services by June this year.

Implementor Danawa Resources’ director and CEO Anthony Chan said 10 base stations had been erected with another 30 to follow suit under this broadband coverage project by the end of this year.

This development has impressed the computer-savvy segment of society, changing their lifestyle and way of studying, working and communication.

Students of SMK Merbau were hooked on when this wireless technology landed on their doorstep. The test run was carried out by the team this week, witnessed by Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development and Communications Lee Kim Shin who is also pro tem chairman of Broadband Stakeholders Group (BSG).

A little hesitant initially, the students were soon tapping away like nobody’s business at their laptops placed on tables in the school canteen, entering and surfing the cyber realm beyond the confines of their classrooms.

Those involved in the project test run sat back, savouring their achievement and their cup of tea and food, knowing that the door into the borderless world had just been thrown open to these young people who represent the future.

ILP Miri director Ramli Rashidi told The Borneo Post he was happy that his institution would be offering computer and five other courses when its door open for the first intake in July this year.

This pilot project befits Miri which is home to multi-national companies such as Shell with its Asia-Pacific hub based in Miri, Petronas, Curtin University of Technology and others.

This quantum leap in internet penetration rate would put the State ahead in the country’s pursuit of a K-society.

A free two-year free broadband internet service would be the answer to the local initiative in establishing the Miri Broadband Stateholders Group (BSG).

This breakthrough joint venture between State-owned Sacofa and the local telecommunication partner, Denawa Resources, was done at affordable cost with the full backing of the government which eyes a 50 percent penetration rate within two years or 250,000 subscribers.

Lee said BSG was targeting 80 percent penetration rate in Miri city by 2008, when this two-year pilot project ends. This looks possible following the overwhelming response in registration here.

This last mile wireless technology available to Miri starting Feb 10, 2007, paves the way for Sarawak to increase its present meagre 1.5 per cent penetration rate.

The plan includes Sacofa setting up pop stations throughout the State while its partner would provide the broadband last mile technology relay station and other infrastructures to reach the homes of those interested.

An estimate has already been made by Sacofa on the entire fibre optic to run from Sematan to Miri including pop stations, fibre optics, relay stations and connections to individual houses.

According to Taib, the free subscription would see an explosion of registration by future broadband internet users in the State who were presently slow in taking up the conventional fixed line services at RM60 per month.

Curtin University of Technology Sarawak campus in Miri is the first in the country to enjoy broadband internet access from its hostels to its lecture halls under the first hot zone pilot project in the country.

The project puts Miri on the way to achieving recognition as a wi-fi city of which there are 108 worldwide, over 80 in the United States and others in Singapore and Taipei.

The hot zone pilot project has been receiving encouraging response from users in the city centre and other places. It has a straight line coverage of up 1.5 km and 0.5 km for non-straight line environment.

It is second only to Wi-Max which can cover up between 15 to 40 km radius, but this technology require users to purchase adapters costing up to US$1,000 to enjoy such service, ruling it out for Miri.

Why wait now? Register your free account and start surfing.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

the celebration of chinese new year 2008

Chinese temple

Miri Sarawak of Borneo

Miri is a city in northern Sarawak, Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. Miri is home to a population of about 300,000 people and is thus the second largest city in Sarawak. It serves as the government administrative centre of Miri District (4,707.1 square kilometers) in Miri Division of Sarawak. Miri was elevated to city status on May 20, 2005 and it is the 10th city in Malaysia (Kuching has 2 cities)and its local authority i.e. Miri City Council is the 10th city council in Malaysia.

Miri is the birthplace of Sarawak's and Malaysia's petroleum industry, which remains the major industry of the city. The first oil well was drilled by Shell in 1910, and is now a state monument and one of Miri's tourist attractions. Shell also built Malaysia's first oil refinery in Lutong, a suburb of Miri in 1914. Recently, vast oil reserves were discovered just offshore northeast of the city. Miri has grown phenomenally since oil was first discovered in the early 1900s, burgeoning into the modern and dynamic business, commercial and educational centre it is today.

The city's other major industries include processed timber, oil palm production, and tourism. The world famous Gunung Mulu National Park with the Sarawak Chamber, a half an hour flight from the city, is one of the favourite eco-tourism destinations. Miri is also the main tourist gateway for the Loagan Bunut National Park, Lambir National Park and the Niah Caves at the Niah Caves National Park. Miri is lately known for its exotic coral reefs as well.

foto by : tonymdy-BorneoKolorz

Beautiful Miri Scene

someway near malay tamu in Miri, Sarawak.

young women selling banana fruit at malay tamu, Miri.

Malay Tamu Scene, Miri Sarawak.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Yuran sekolah: Mansuh RM4.50, kena bayar pula lebih RM100

Benarkah pendidikan percuam mulai 2008 sebagai yang diistiharkan oleh Pak Menteri seperti di link dibawah:-

Apa dah jadi nie???
Kenapa Menteri berdiam ??

Isu Yuran Sekolah-apa dah jadi??

Yuran dimansuhkan, buku teks percuma??
KENYATAAN Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein di Putrajaya, baru-baru ini:

``Saya ingin menjelaskan sekali lagi bahawa semua yuran rasmi sekolah telah dimansuhkan mulai penggal persekolahan tahun hadapan seperti yang telah diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ketika pembentangan Bajet 2008 baru-baru ini.

Saya amat berharap segala isu yang berkaitan dengan persediaan penggal persekolahan tahun depan dapat ditangani sepenuhnya oleh pihak KPM bagi memastikan segala urusan sekolah berjalan dengan lancar.''


1. Yuran sekolah bernilai RM4.50 bagi murid sekolah rendah dan RM9 bagi pelajar sekolah menengah,

2. Yuran peperiksaan.


BUKU teks juga akan diberikan secara percuma kepada setiap pelajar sejajar hasrat kerajaan untuk menyediakan pendidikan percuma kepada setiap murid di negara ini.


Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) telah memperuntukkan sebanyak RM210 juta bagi menampung kos pemansuhan yuran peperiksaan serta sebanyak RM128 juta setahun untuk menyediakan buku teks secara percuma pada tahun hadapan.


Walau bagaimanapun, segala bayaran tambahan lain yang dikenakan pihak sekolah atau Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) adalah tidak wajib dan bergantung kepada persetujuan ibu bapa sendiri.

Saya berharap ibu bapa serta anggota masyarakat tidak terkeliru dalam isu ini dan tidak menyamakan bayaran tambahan ini dengan yuran wajib yang telah dimansuhkan oleh kerajaan.

Bagi ibu bapa berpendapatan rendah yang tidak mampu untuk menjelaskan bayaran tambahan yang dikenakan, mereka boleh memohon bantuan daripada pihak Kementerian Pelajaran menerusi saluran yang disediakan termasuk Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pelajar Miskin (KWAPM).

MULAI 2008 ibu bapa tidak perlu membeli buku teks lagi.

Pertanyaan boleh dibuat melalui talian aduan tetap KPM 03-88888445/446/443 (Pejabat Khidmat Pelanggan), 1-800-88-4774 (Talian Hotline Aduan Disiplin) dan 03-88888431 (talian faksimili).

Segala aduan dan isu yang dikemukakan melalui talian tersebut akan disalurkan kepada Jawatankuasa Khas Penggal Persekolahan 2008 yang dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Pelajaran sendiri.

Selain isu berkaitan yuran dan bayaran tambahan, Jawatankuasa ini juga akan melihat kepada isu lain seperti bekalan buku teks dan buku kerja, cuti persekolahan, kekurangan guru mengikut subjek atau opsyen, masa mengajar guru disiplin sehingga 20 waktu seminggu dan jadual peperiksaan akhir tahun.
